EBAA® E-Z Flange™ Flange Adapter, Series: 1000, Fitting/Connector Type: Flange Adapter, 6 in Nominal Size, 2.39 in Length, 250 psi, Ductile Iron, Domestic
Flange adapters shall be used in lieu of threaded or welded flanges on plain end ductile and steel pipe. The restraints shall be manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536. The restraint devices shall be coated using MEGA-BOND™. The bolt circles and bolt holes shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10. The screws shall have a Rockwell hardness of C40-45 converted from Brinnell. The flange adapter shall have a minimum working pressure rating as shown in the adjacent table. The restraint shall be the Series 1000 E-Z Flange, as manufactured by EBAA Iron, Inc., or approved equal.